particles | usage cases | usage examples | + |
故(ゆえ)に、それゆえ、よって | 原因(げんいん)・理由(りゆう) cause/reason |
There are many homophone words in Japanese, hence Kanji is used to clarify them in writing. |
同音異義語(どうおんいぎ語)homonym 、故(ゆえ)に、漢字(かんじ)kanji、書(か)く write、原因(げんいん) cause、理由(りゆう) reason、therefore, for that reason, so, consequently, accordingly |
従(したが)って、 | 原因・理由 |
There are many homophone words in Japanese, therefore Kanji is used to clarify them in writing. |
同音異義語(どうおんいぎ語)、 従(したが)って、 accordingly, consequently |
そのため、このため | 原因・理由 |
Because there are many homophone words in Japanese, Kanji usage clarifys them in writing.
| for that reason, for this reason |
~から、~ため、~ので | 原因・理由 |
Because there are many homophone words in Japanese, Kanji usage clarifys them in writing.
| as, since, because, by reason of, the reason is |
だから、それだから | 原因・理由 |
Because there are many homophone words in Japanese, Kanji usage clarifys them in writing. |
同音異義語(どうおんいぎ語) as, since, |
そこで、それで | 原因・理由、結果(けっか) cause and effect |
As there are many homophone words in Japanese, Kanji usage clarifys them in writing. |
同音異義語(どうおんいぎ語)、意味(いみ) meaning、学(まな)ぶ learn,study、 then, there, so, now |
こうして | 原因・理由、結果 |
As they lost the skills to write high-level sentences due to the over simplification of mandatory kanji-set, resulting in the abuse of phonetic equivalents, the civilization has withered away. |
常用漢字(じょうようかんじ) jouyou kanji、単純化(たんじゅんか)simplification、当て字(あてじ) kanji used as a phonetic symbol, instead of for the meaning; phonetic-equivalent character、多用(たよう) heavy use、増(ふ)える increase、高度(こうど) advanced、文(ぶん)sentence、文明(ぶんめい)civilization、滅(ほろ)ぶ die out、 thus, in this way |
このようにして | 原因・理由、結果 |
His Japanese skills came a standstill due to the lack of Kanji skills. Thus, he finally lost his long time dream of reading Japanese newspapers. |
能力(のうりょく)ability、停滞(ていたい)stagnation、彼(かれ)he、新聞(しんぶん)newspaper、長年(ながねん)for many years、夢(ゆめ)dream、諦(あきら)めるgive up、in this way |
このことから | 原因・理由、結果 |
His Japanese study progress came to standstill due to the lack of Kanji writing skills. With this experience, he has been emphasizing the importance of Kanji study. |
能力(のうりょく)ability、発展(はってん)evolution,development、学習(がくしゅう)studying、重要性(じゅうようせい)importance、教(おし)える teach、 始(はじ)める begin、 therefore, consequently |
このように | 原因・理由、結果 |
In conversations, a short exchange, confirming which kanji he meant, takes place. The choice of kanji alters the meaning. With this experience, he has been emphasizing the importance of Kanji study. |
会話(かいわ)conversation、中(なか) in、度々(たびたび)frequently、確認(かくにん)confirm、言葉(ことば)word、 交(か)わすexchange、意味(いみ)meaning、変(か)わるchange、気(き)づくnotice、 in this manner, in this way, like this |
この結果(けっか) | 原因・理由、結果 |
His Japanese study progress came to standstill due to the lack of Kanji writing skills. So, he has been emphasizing the importance of Kanji study.
His Japanese study progress came to standstill due to the lack of Kanji writing skills. With this experience, he has been emphasizing the importance of Kanji study. |
結果(けっか)result、能力(のうりょく)ability、発展(はってん)evolution/development、学習(がくしゅう)study/learning、重要性(じゅうようせい)impotance、教(おし)えteach、 始(はじ)めbegin、 resulted in..、as the result, so, therefore |
いずれにせよ、ともかく | 原因(げんいん)・理由(りゆう)、結果(けっか) |
The lack of Kanji writing skills may not be the cause of his Japanese study progress coming to standstill. Nonetheless, he has been emphasizing the importance of Kanji study. |
能力(のうりょく)ability、停滞(ていたい)stagnation、欠落(けつらく)a lack、重要性(じゅうようせい)importance、教(おし)えteach、 始(はじ)めbegin |
そのため | 目的(もくてき) for that purpose, for that |
I like to enjoy on the Japanese streets. For that, I am learning jouyou kanji. |
日本(にほん)Japan、街中(まちなか)on street、楽(たの)しむ enjoy、漢字(かんじ)kanji 、その為(ため) for that |
最後(さいご)に,終(お)わりに、結局(けっきょく) | 結論(けつろん) conclusion |
So far I described the importance of Kanji study. As the conclusion, I'd say that the skill development depends on one's will at the end of day. |
最後(さいご)finally、終(お)end 、結局(けっきょく)in the end、発達(はったつ)development、個人(こじん)individual、意思(いし)intention/will、finally, after all, in the end, in the long run |
~と、~ば | (仮定(かてい))条件(じょうけん) if conditional |
If I begin the kanji study, I'll need to have a book on the Kanji strokes. |
書き方(かきかた) way of writing、教科書(きょうかしょ)textbook、必須(ひっすう)indispensable |
~とすると、~すれば | (仮定)条件 |
If I am to begin the kanji study, I must have the textbook of Kanji strokes. |
書き方(かきかた)way of writing、教科書(きょうかしょ)textbook、必須(ひっすう)indispensable、 if we do ..., if we assume, suppose if |
~も、 | (仮定)条件 |
Even if I want to begin the kanji study, I don't have a book on the Kanji strokes. |
書き方(かきかた)way of writing、教科書(きょうかしょ)textbook、必須(ひっすう)indispensable、 although, though |
~時(とき)、~場合(ばあい) | 条件(じょうけん) when -conditional |
When I begin the kanji study, the book on Kanji strokes will be required. |
時(とき)when、場合(ばあい)in the case、書き方(かきかた)way of writing、本(ほん)book、必要(ひつよう)necessary, in the event of, if |
それなら | 展開(てんかい) expansion | 新聞を読みたい。それなら、漢字の学習が不可欠だ。
You want to read Japanese newspaper. If so, you have to study kanji.
You want to read Japanese newspaper. Then, you have to study kanji. |
不可欠(ふかけつ) indispensable、 If that's the case、 In that case, if so |
そうでなければ | 展開(てんかい) expansion |
Exapand the mandatory kanji set. Otherwise, the strength of kanji skills can't be fully utilized in、 the growing Chinese economy. |
拡大(かくだい)expansion,growth、増大(ぞうだい)enlargement、中国経済(ちゅうごくけいざい)Chinese economy、漢字文化(かんじ)kanji culture、強(つよ)みstrength、活(い)かすto make use of、 if no so, otherwise |
なのに、~のに、~にもかかわらず、 | 逆接 contray results |
Even though there are many homophone words in Japanese, Kanji study has not been emphasized somehow.
Despite there are many homophone words in Japanese, Kanji study has not been emphasized somehow.
There are many homophone words in Japanese, nevertheless Kanji study has not been emphasized somehow. | 強調(きょうちょう)emphasis、 and yet, despite this, but even so, but even then, however |
にもかかわらず、それにもかかわらず | 逆接 contray results |
Regardless of the accelerating kanji usage in the Chinese news, Kanji study has not been emphasized.
There are many homophone words in Japanese, nevertheless Kanji study has not been emphasized somehow. | 強調(きょうちょう)emphasis、 and yet, despite this, but even so, but even then, however |
~であるが、~が | 逆接(ぎゃくせつ) contray results |
His Japanese study progress came to standstill due to the lack of Kanji writing skills. But, he has not been able to take the first step of Kanji study. |
能力(のうりょく)ability、発展(はってん)evolution/development、学習(がくしゅう)study/learning、一歩(いっぽ)first/one step、踏み出す(ふみだす)to step forward、although, though |
ところが、が | 逆接(ぎゃくせつ) contray results | 日本語には同音異義語が多い。ところが、なぜか漢字学習が強調されていない 日本語には同音異義語が多い。が、なぜか漢字学習が強調されていない。 There are many homophone words in Japanese, however, Kanji study has not been emphasized somehow. | 強調(きょうちょう)、however, and yet |
~ものの、~けれども | 逆接 contray results | ゆとり教育で必須科目が減らされたものの、学校は荒んでいる。 ゆとり教育で必須科目が減らされたけれども、学校は荒んでいる。 Although the number of mandatory subjects has been reduced for the healthy school life, the school system has broken down. | 必須科目(ひっすうかもく)compulsory subject、荒(すさ)むto run to waste 、but, however, although, though, and yet |
それどころか | 逆接強調 (ぎゃくせつきょうちょう) contray result expansion | 日本語には同音異義語が多い。が、なぜか漢字学習が強調されていない。それどころか、義務教育で当用漢字なるもが設定された。 There are many homophone words in Japanese. However, Kanji study has not been emphasized somehow. Furthermore, the simplified mandatory kanji-set was introduced in the compulsory education. | 強調(きょうちょう)、 far from that |
且(か)つ | 追加 addition | 日本語は動詞が変化する。且つ、文法も大きく異なる。 Verbs conjugate in Japanese sentences. In addition, the grammar differs [from English]. | 動詞(どうし)verb、変化(へんか)change/transition、且(か)つ、文法(ぶんぽう)grammar、異(こと)なる differ from、besides, moreover, also, and |
そのうえ、さらに、それだけでなく、 | 追加(ついか) addition | 明確な文には漢字は不可欠だ。その上に、今後は急増する中国ニュースので漢字の使用は高まる。
Kanji is required for writing concise sentences. Furthermore, the kanji usage will rise due to the rapidly increasing Chinese news.
Kanji is required for writing concise sentences. Besides, the kanji usage will rise due to the rapidly increasing Chinese news. |
明確(めいかく)clear、 不可欠(ふかけつ)indispensable、今後(こんご) hereafter、急増(ゆうぞう)sharp increase、 使用(しよう)usage、高(たか)まるrise、furthermore, moreover |
ただし | 拡充 extension | 日本語学習に於ける漢字学習は早めに始めるべきだ。但し、観光目的の人には重要でないかもしれない。 One should start kanji study early in Japanese study, except for those who study Japanese only for the sightseeing visits. | 早(はや)めearly、但(ただ)し、観光目的(こんこうもくてき)for sightseeing、 重要(じゅうよう)importance、but, however, provided that |
なお | 拡充 extension | 日本語学習に於ける漢字学習は早めに始めるべきだ。尚、漢字学習において、正しい書き順は大切です。 One should start kanji study early in Japanese study, besides it is critical to learn the correct stroke order of Kanji drawing. | 早(はや)め、尚(なお)、書き順(かきじゅん)way of writing、 大切(たいせつ)important、more, further, still more |
例(たと)えば | 拡充 extension | 漢字構成はそれなりの工夫がなされている。例えば、峠は山、上る、下るの3つの漢字から構成されている。 Kanji have a certain underlying design. For instance, 峠(a mountain pass) consists of 山(mountain),上げる(ascend) and 下る(descend). | 工夫(くふう)contrivance、峠(とうげ)、構成(こうせい)making/composition、for example |
にもかかわらず | 拡充(かいじゅう) extension | 日本語には同音異義語が多い。にもかかわらず、漢字学習が強調されていない。 There are many homophone words in Japanese. Nevertheless, Kanji study has not been emphasized. | 強調(きょうちょう)、in spite of, nevertheless, despite |
なぜならば | 解説(かいせつ) explanation | 韓国でさえ民衆が漢字教育を見直し始めた。なぜならば、中国関係において漢字知識は子供に有利に働くから。 Even in Korea, the citizen of country have started reviewing the kanji study. The reason why is Kanji skills benefit their children in the China economic relationship.
Even in Korea, the citizen of country have started reviewing the kanji study. Because, Kanji skills benefit their children in the China economic ascent. |
韓国(かんこく)korea、民衆(みんしゅう) the general public、見直(みなお)しreassessment、中国関係(ちゅうごくかんけい)Chinese relation、漢字知識(かんじちしき)kanji knowledge、子供(こども)child、有利(ゆうり)advantage、働(はたら)くwork、for |
ところで | 転換 turn | 漢字は造りか、または誇張方法で覚えられる。ところで、君はどう覚えていますか。 One can memorize kanji by the radical and/or stretch method. By the way, how have you been memorizing them? | 造(つく)りbushu/radical、覚(おぼ)えるmemorize、君(きみ)you、誇張方法(こちょうほうほう)exaggeration、incidentally |
一方(いっぽ)で | 転換(てんかん) turn | 漢字は不要と言う人がいる一方で、中国語の重要性が増した今日、当用漢字では少なすぎると言う考えもある。Some consider Kanji a deterrent factor, on the other hand, some consider the mandatory Kanji-set insufficient in the light of increasing Chinese language weight.
While some considers Kanji a deterrent factor, some considers the mandatory Kanji-set insufficient in the light of increasing Chinese language weight.
| 一方(いっぽう)、不要(ふよう)unnecessary、中国語(ちゅうごくご)Chinese、重要性(じゅうようせい)importance、今日(こんにち)today、 while |
すなわち、つまり、言(い)い換(か)えれば、換言(かんげん)すれば | 換言 rephrasing | 日本語には同音異義語が多い。すなわち、綴りの異なる、適切な漢字が無くては意味不明に落ち入りやすい。
There are many homophone words in Japanese. In another word, they may lead to a lot of confusion without the use of appropriate kanji, i.e., different spellings.
There are many homophone words in Japanese. That is, they may lead to a lot of confusion without the use of appropriate kanji, i.e., different spellings. | that is, namely |
又(また)は | 選択(せんたく) alternative | 漢字は造りで覚えられる。又は、誇張方法で覚える手もある。 You can memorize kanji by its Tsukuri/ radical/ characteristics. Or, you can also memorize by the stretch method. | 又(また)、造(つく)り、覚(おぼ)える、誇張方法(こちょうほうほう)、otherwise |
それとも,あるいは、もしくは、 | 選択 alternative | 学校に行って日本語を学ぶか、それとも ネットで独学するか。
学校に行って日本語を学ぶか、あるいは ネットで独学するか。
学校に行って日本語を学ぶか、もしくは ネットで独学するか。 You go to a school to study Japanese. Or, you study it by yourself with Internet.
You go to a school to study Japanese. Alternatively, you study it by yourself with Internet. | 学校がっこう)school、独学(どくがく)self teaching、or, possibly, perhaps |
要(よう)は、とにかく、 | まとめ Summary | ここでは色々と述べた。要は、漢字の学習を強化することだ。
Many things are said so far. The point is we need to emphasize the kanji study.
Many things are said so far. In any case, we need to emphasize the kanji study.
| 色々(いろい)variety of [things]、要(よう)the point、漢字(かんじ)kanji、学習(がくしゅう)studying、強化(きょか)strengthening/reinforcement、in short, the point is |